Pitta & Baine LLP; Special appreciation to Matthew Baine along with his expert team took the very best care with handling my beloved fathers’ case against the World Trade Victims Fund. They knew from the very beginning hearing of my father’s health issues that it must be related. September 22, 2021 he won his battle – his fight – his case won’..He passed away May 13, 2020 after battling his last round of cancer Malignant Melanoma after several years and various location. Matthew and his team turned every stone upside down within the system proving his was worth the fight…Please contact them, Have the best look out for your loved one and win your fight with the best team NY has to offer!! I share a picture of my proud father Mr. Lenous “RED” Johnson who spent weeks helping with the removal ground zero toxic waste just to learn that he would suffer at least 15 straight years of “various”cancers… Together his daughters and our entire family says THANK YOU because he mattered.
Lisa Italiano
Pitta & Baine LLP; Special appreciation to Matthew Baine along with his expert team took the very best care with handling my beloved fathers’ case against the World Trade Victims Fund. They knew from the very beginning hearing of my father’s health issues that it must be related. September 22, 2021 he won his battle […]