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My name is Michelle Charley. Mr Patrick Hewes is an asset to the Pita & Baione Law Firm. Mr. Hewes assisted in helping with the process of my brother’s Certification. He has also help with our mother & myself to get things done. With Mr. Patrick Hewes help my brother was finally Certified on his medical condition. Mr. Hewes made sure we knew exactly what was going on every step of the way. Each time he called we were on the phone. He made sure that each representative he spoke to was clear in explaining what the status was of the Certification. What the issues were if any. What was being reviewed & what was needed. Mr. Hewes also assisted Our mother who had a terminal illness and at times he had to call & she would be on the phone just so that he could obtain the information that was needed to proceed with whatever was needed at the time. At times she really did not feel well and able to talk for very long. It helped to have Mr. Hewes to act as a personal representative for our family. My family is so thankful to have such an amazing team at Pita & Baione who has nothing but the best interest of the client. We families trying to get information & certain things handled the right way are so greatful that such a person like Mr. Patrick Hewes exist to assist in helping individuals & families. You don’t realize how overwhelming things can be for an individual or family that’s going through situations. It helps to have people in your corner like Mr. Hewes. Allow him to do his job & assist families in getting things taken care of. No call should ever be too much when assisting families. Have some compassion & empathy. Fir these sites your job is to help & assist in providing that information to whomever makes the call. Allow things to be handled correctly. You should never block or not allow this man or any person not to be able to help families in need.
Thank you Mr. Patrick Hewes in all your help.
The Charley Family since 2018 to present

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